North Dakota Emergency Medical Services Association

Sponsorship Opportunities

 Your organization can reach nearly 900 people in just three days by partnering with the North Dakota EMS Association.  NDEMSA has hosted the North Dakota EMS Annual Conference and Tradeshow since 1976, the largest EMS conference in North Dakota and one of the top 10 in the nation!  Over the years the conference has brought the biggest and best EMS educators to North Dakota and has grown to attract fire and rescue, law enforcement and nurses, in addition to EMS providers.     The participants represent over 170 ambulance services, fire departments, hospitals and other EMS agencies from North Dakota, Montana, South Dakota and Minnesota.

What does this mean for you?  A tremendous return on your marketing dollars!  The Association is seeking an array of partners for breaks, education sessions, keynote speakers and much more.  Even at the highest level of sponsorship you will reach each individual attendee at a cost of no more than a dollar!

Thank you ND EMS Foundation for being a conference sponsor!

Thank you Enbridge for being a conference sponsor!

Sponsorship Opportunities

Attendee Packet Insert ($200) - (5 available)

Each attendee receives a packet full of information for the EMS Annual Conference. This sponsorship pays for an insert about the sponsor in each packet. In addition, the packet insert sponsor will have their company's logo printed in the conference program book, which is distributed to each attendee and vendor and displayed on the General Session big screen.  The company logo will also be displayed in the Response Time May issue thanking all Rendezvous sponsors.

Keynote Sponsor ($200) - (3 available)

Thank you Premier Specialty Vehicles Inc

A company sponsoring a keynote address will have their logo printed in the conference program book, which is distributed to each attendee and vendor, and the Response Time magazine, mailed quarterly to more than 2,200 individuals.  Additionally, the sponsor will be allowed to display a banner during the session and their logo will be placed on the General Session big screen.

Notepad Sponsor - (Sold Out)

Thank you Altru!

Notepads are given to all attendees.  As a notepad sponsor you can provide 800 of your own custom printed notepads or for $250.00 NDEMSA will purchase non-customized 5"x7" notepads.  As a sponsor you will have your logo printed in the conference program book, which is distributed to each attendee and vendor, and the Response Time magazine, mailed quarterly to more than 2,200 individuals.  Additionally, the sponsor logo will be placed on the General Session big screen.

Thursday Instructor/Coordinator Education Sponsor ($350) - 

Thank you JBL Public Safety Group! 

On Thursday over sixty EMS Educators from across North Dakota will attend the Instructor/Coordinator refresher course that is being offered from 8:00am to 5:00pm.  This sponsor will be given five to ten minutes to promote their business and/or discuss their products with the attendees.  You can speak with the attendees at any time during their education session with the exception from noon to 1pm, which is their lunch break.  In addition, the sponsor will have their company's logo printed in the conference program book, which is distributed to each attendee and vendor and displayed on the General Session big screen.  The company logo will also be displayed in the Response Time May issue thanking all the sponsors.

Cash Bar Sponsor ($300)- (Sold Out)

Thank you TraumaSoft!

During the Thursday evening vendor preview a cash bar is provided from 6pm to 9pm for the attendees and exhibitors to purchase adult beverages as they get a first glimpse of the exhibits and visit with exhibitors.  As a sponsor of the cash bar your logo will be placed near the cash bar and announcements made during the Thursday evening vendor preview of your sponsorship.  This sponsorship does not provide alcohol to the attendees, rather the fee to cover the cost of the cash bar service.  In addition, you will have your logo printed in the conference program book, which is distributed to each attendee and vendor, and the Response Time magazine, mailed quarterly to more than 2,200 individuals.  Additionally, the sponsor logo will be placed on the General Session big screen.

Break Sponsors ($200) - (4 available)

Thank you Sanford AirMed!

Thank you Arrow Ambulances!

Each break sponsor will have their company's logo printed in the conference program book, which is distributed to each attendee and vendor and displayed on the General Session big screen.  Also, the company's logo will be displayed during the break they are sponsoring.  The company logo will also be displayed in the Response Time May issue thanking all the sponsors.

Service Leader Meeting Sponsor ($350) - (Sold Out)

Thank you First Due!

Over fifty EMS service leaders attend the networking lunch that is held from 12:30pm to 2:30pm on Friday at the Event Center.  Service leaders from all across North Dakota will be attending this session, nearly all of them decision makers of their EMS agency.  This lunch sponsor will be given five to ten minutes to promote their business and/or discuss their products.  In addition the lunch sponsor will have their company's logo printed in the conference program book, which is distributed to each attendee and vendor and displayed on the General Session big screen.  The company logo will also be displayed in the Response Time May issue thanking all the sponsors.

BIG Door Prize Sponsors ($300) - (4 available)

On Thursday evening and during each break on Friday and Saturday a large door prize item (valued over $250!) will be given away at YOUR BOOTH.  Participants will be required to visit your booth to drop off their registration slip and the prize will be given away at your booth during the break.  In 2013 a large screen TV, iPad, computer, Nook, and other great prizes were given away to many lucky winners.  This sponsorship is always very popular and sells out early.  A company sponsoring BIG prize give-a-ways will have their logo printed in the conference program book, which is distributed to each attendee and vendor, and the Response Time magazine, mailed quarterly to more than 2,200 individuals.  Additionally, the sponsor logo will be placed on the General Session big screen.

Medical Director Lunch ($300) - (Sold out)

Thank you North Central Emergency Vehicles 

Roughly 18 Medical Directors, along with the DEMST, and NDEMSA Regional Advisors, attend the Saturday lunch held from noon to 4pm at the Event Center.  Medical Directors from all across North Dakota will be attending this session, discussing the needs and happenings regarding ND EMS.  This lunch sponsor will be given a few minutes to promote their business and/or discuss their products.  In addition, the lunch sponsor will have their company's logo printed in the conference program book, which is distributed to each attendee and vendor and displayed on the General Session big screen.  The company logo will also be displayed in the Response Time May issue thanking all the sponsors.

More Information

For more information regarding the EMS Annual Conference and Tradeshow Sponsorship Program you may download the brochure, or contact our office at 701.221.0567 or email our staff,

North Dakota EMS Association

1622 East Interstate Avenue, Bismarck, ND 58503


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