North Dakota Emergency Medical Services Association

The conference is being held at the 

School of Medicine and Health Sciences

University of North Dakota

1301 N Columbia Rd Stop 9037

Suite E105, Room E126

Grand Forks, ND 58202

2025 Annual Northeast Region EMS Conference

February 8-9, 2025
Grand Forks, North Dakota

NCCR Classes offered this year at the Northeast Conference 

Continuing Education

 7.5 hours of CEU's on Saturday, and 7 hours of CEU's on Sunday have been approved by the Division of Emergency Medical Systems. This conference is also grant eligible.

How to Register

Method 1:  Register Here and pay with your credit card.  

Method 2:  Complete and mail in the brochure

       -Return the brochure,(Coming December)  along with your payment (check or provide credit card number), to: NDEMSA, 1622 East Interstate Ave., Bismarck, ND 58503.

Method 3:  Register on site in Grand Forks as a walk-in.  There is a $5.00 fee per day to register on-site.

Refund Policy

Membership Dues are NOT refundable. The conference registration fees, less a $15.00 processing fee, are refundable if written notice of cancellation is received 2 weeks before the conference. If written notice of cancellation is received 1 week before the conference, less a $25.00 processing fee, will be refunded. Substitutions for cancellation will be allowed with written notice. All refunds will be issued after the conclusion of the conference. The conference will occur regardless of the weather. 

DEMS Grant and Continuing Education Credits:

The Division of EMS has made the Continuing Education Grant available to help cover costs of travel and attendance.  This grant must be applied for by a licensed North Dakota EMS Agency.  The grant can be found at

How to Check NDEMSA Membership Status

If you're current: Click on member profile to see your member information

If you're expired: "Our records indicate your membership is not current" will appear

Wrong number or name: "A record with the provided license/certification number and last name could not be found"

We look forward to seeing you in Grand Forks at the 2022 Annual Northeast Region EMS Conference!

North Dakota EMS Association

1622 East Interstate Avenue, Bismarck, ND 58503


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