North Dakota Emergency Medical Services Association

Nominations and Elections

Executive Officers

Each year the general membership elects the offices of NDEMSA. Currently the NDEMSA Officers are:

Office Title Current Holder Elected in
President Cheryl Flick Even Years
Vice PresidentTyler Kientopf Odd Years
Secretary/TreasurerLoretta Haas Even Years
Past President Kelly Dollinger Succession

Positions up for election in 2025 include;

  • Vice President
  • Two (2) Directors in each region

2025 Nomination and Election Rules

2025 Nomination Form for Regional Directors

2025 Nomination Form for the Vice President Position

The nomination deadline is in place to provide time for the Nominations and Elections Committee time to verify all candidates' eligibility for office, as well as provide an opportunity for all candidates to introduce themselves to the general membership in the February Response Time.

2025 Election Nominations Deadline is December 31, 2024!

Meet the Candidates

Responsibilities of the Positions

The Nomination Process

Open positions in each region will be posted for nomination solicitations beginning July 1st and will continue until December 31st. Eligible members will be required to submit an application no later than December 31, 2024. To be eligible, the nominee must be an active member of ND EMS Association and be running in his or her respective region. Services By Region


All candidates for Primary or Regional Board positions will be required to submit a nomination statement and photo to be published on the NDEMSA website and social media sites.


Regional Directors will now be elected between February 14 to February, 28 (or immediately after the conclusion of the last winter regional conference) elected during the the annual conference meeting. The 2025 Election will be done February 9- February 24.

Voting will occur through a combination of online and mail voting methods as determined by the Board of Directors. A four (4) person committee will count votes. The Election Chair and three (3) additional appointed people comprised of the Election Committee and/or NDEMSA Board member.

Board of Director Responsibilities:

As a member of the Board of Directors, each Director must assume their legal and fiduciary responsibilities to the organization. Moreover, they must recognize the significance of their philosophical responsibilities and execute them to the best of their abilities.

Legal and Fiduciary Responsibilities

  • Develop sound and sufficient organizational policies and procedures,
  • Guarantee that the Organization operates within the bounds of the law and all validly adopted operational policies,
  • Ensure that money is being raised and spent in a responsible manner that protects the wishes of the contributors and members, as well as ensures Organizational financial stability, and
  • Fulfill the duties of obedience, diligence and loyalty.

Philosophical Responsibilities

Leadership, Governance and Oversight

  • Have a desire to serve and be willing to commit by sharing ideas, experiences, feelings, insights, fears and questions,
  • Create and safeguard the identity, purpose, mission and vision of the Organization,
  • Provide direction for the Organization's programs, staff and volunteers,
  • Stay abreast on organizational matters, prepare for all meetings and review and comment on meeting minutes and organizational reports and documents,
  • Serve as a trusted adviser when called upon by other directors, staff or constituents,
  • Act as an ambassador and advocate of the Organization, spreading a positive message of its purpose, vision and operations,
  • Respectfully dissent in the Boardroom; but publicly support all organizational positions, regardless of personal feelings,
  • Review program outcomes and regularly measure organizational performance and effectiveness to ensure the organizational goals are being met and the intended impact is being reached, and
  • Review and adopt reasonable operating budgets and periodically inspect financial records.
Participation and Involvement
  • Invest time and energy into all responsibilities and organization endeavors,
  • Attend all Board of Director meetings and important related meetings,
  • Serve on no less than one committee and actively commit to the committee's work,
  • Volunteer for and willingly accept assignments and complete them thoroughly and on time, and
  • Reply to all correspondence between directors, staff, supporters, members and volunteers in a reasonable and timely manner.

North Dakota EMS Association

1622 East Interstate Avenue, Bismarck, ND 58503


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